MM-106 Steel Metallic, 2oz
Item#: 2MM106
UPC: 097539212226
MPN: MM1062
- The metallic finishes can be mixed to create an endless variety of metallic colors.
- Steel will rust when treated with MM-305 Rapid Rust.
- Use over dark undercoat colors for maximum brilliance.
Steel requires heavy coats for good rusting to take place, so an extra "padding" of color is suggested.
- Seal with Matte Sealer to prevent further oxidation.
- Do not fire.
Magic Metallics™ are water-based acrylics that contain ground metal particles. When dry the surface will appear and feel like a metal or rusted surface.
Rusted and Metallic Finish
Magic Metallics™ can be applied to almost any paintable surface: glass, wood, fabric, Styrofoam, paper, ceramic, etc. Magic Metallics™ is NOT a faux painting process but an actual layering of metal particles.
Magic Metallics™ Patina and Rapid Rust act to oxidize Magic Metallic metal acrylics. Copper, Gold and Dark Bronze will develop a patina stain when treated with MM-202 Green Patina. Steel will rust when treated with MM-305 Rapid Rust.
Great for garden, home decor and interior design projects
The metallic finishes can be mixed to create an endless variety of metallic colors; Magic Metallics can also be mixed with acrylic paint.
General Use
* Shake well and frequently before use – the metal particles will settle to the bottom.
* The surface should be completely clean, dry and free from dust.
* The inside of hollow objects should be sealed prior to the application of the metals.
* Porous surfaces should be sealed with an acrylic paint prior to applying Magic Metallics™.
* Apply a basecoat of the metallic finish. Allow to dry. Apply a second coat.
* If you desire a patina or rust (steel only) finish, apply the appropriate solution while the second coat is still wet and slightly tacky.
* You can use a brush, sponge or spritzer bottle to apply oxidizing liquids.
* As the solution dries, the Patina will develop. Once the desired effect is achieved remove excess moisture with a paper towel, hair dryer, or fan. The metals will continue to oxidize as long as they are exposed to water or oxidizing liquids.
* Seal with AC-502 Matte Sealer to prevent further oxidation.
** Magic Metallics® are certified AP Non-Toxic, with the exception of MM-202 Green Patina and MM-305 Rapid Rust which requires a caution label, CL. Not dinnerware safe; For ornamental use only.

Helpful Hints
* The use of a base color beneath the Magic Metallic, the length of time the product is allowed to process before it is neutralized or dried and the temperature and humidity can can influence the final surface .
* Sealing the inside of porous craft surfaces will prevent continued oxidation. For example, ceramic bisque is porous and water can seep through the inside to affect the metal on the outside.
* All porous surfaces should be sealed with an acrylic paint prior to apply Magic Metallics.
* Apply metal colors with a soft brush, sponge or rag. It is a good idea to dedicate a brush for the applications of the metals as metals residue could contaminate other products.
* Two coats of the Metallics are needed for adequate coverage. The first coat should be dry before the second coat is applied. While the second coat of metal is still damp or tacky the Patinas are applied. It is very important to apply the Patina or Rust while the metal is wet or oxidation may not occur (the Dark Bronze, however, may be completely dry and still react to the Patinas.) Steel requires heavy coats for good rusting to take place, so an extra “padding” of color is suggested.
* Steel will react with the Rapid Rust or Green Patina.
* Applying one coat of Steel over another metallic and applying the Patina creates a two-tone effect of colors.
* The Patinas may be applied with a brush, sponge or by spraying using the spritzer nozzle. The spritzer nozzle fits easily onto the Patina bottles. A little goes a long way! More can always be added later.
* Patina and Rust oxidizing mediums are almost clear in appearance. Patina can be applied to the same piece at the same time.
* Create designs by applying the patinas using brush strokes.
* Once the Patina or Rapid Rust has oxidized on the metal, a sealer is applied to stop the process. Sometimes it’s better to stop the process before it goes to the extreme oxidation or rusting of the metals.
* Several areas may be completed independently of each other to create separate areas on the same piece. Different areas can be added over other sealed areas of metals to create multiple layers of oxidation and colors.
* If too much Patin has developed, it can be removed slightly using a clean soft cloth or a dampened green grit pad to remove some of the Patina.
* An antique effect can be achieved by taking a dry cloth and remove some of the Patina on the highlights on the piece.
* Patina or Rapid Rust will oxidize metal objects, such as metal shelving or tables. Use care when spraying.
* All products are water-soluble and water clean up. Use a brush cleaner and water to clean all brushes.
* Use a soft hair paint brush for the application of the sealer. Apply 3-4 thin coats of Sealer.
* Patina will also work on any ferrous metals. Idea: fill a clean stamp pad with a patina and use rubber stamps to print onto thin copper sheeting. The stamp design will remain as a patina pattern.
* If working on glass, apply MM-502 Matte Sealer before applying a metal paint. The sealer serves to tack-up the glass and improves adhesion.
Why didn't the Magic Metallics™ oxidize?
The metal base coat needs to be wet and then apply a liberal coat of the Rapid Rust or Patina onto the wet surface.
Is it necessary to base coat the item before applying Magic Metallics™?
Yes, it is recommended to seal the surface with a water based acrylic prior to applying Magic Metallics™.
Do I have to seal the Magic Metallics™?
Yes, the sealer stops the oxidization process. Mayco recommends sealing with MM-502 Matte Sealer or Duncan's AS954.
Do I need separate brushes for Magic Metallics™?
Yes. Since Magic Metallics™ contain real metal, you don’t want to mix this with a fired product.
Can Magic Metallics™ be used with Softee Acrylics or Opaque Stains?
Yes. Softees Acrylics and Bisq-Stain are perfect base to seal porous surface. However, do not use with the Dazzling Metallics Softees.
How do I create different surface finishes with Magic Metallics™?
Magic Metallics™ Rapid Rust of Patina can be applied with a sponge, brush, or by spraying on with a spritzer cap
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